
Evesham Democrats back LaPlaca, Natale

The Evesham Township Democratic Committee has endorsed Gina LaPlaca and Mark Natale for State Assembly in the 8th district.

They face Johnny Bravo, who is running off the line in the June 4 primary election.  Bravo came within 600 votes of winning an Evesham Township Council seat in the 2016 general election.

“Together we can ensure that the progress made in the past two years is not lost because this year’s election doesn’t have a President, Senator, Congressperson, or Governor on the ballot,” said Democratic municipal chairman Phil Warren. “Enthusiasm and momentum for change come from passionate volunteers who aren’t ready to give up the fight.”

Natale is a Democratic county committeeman in Evesham.

LaPlaca and Natale were also endorsed by Evesham mayor Jaclyn Veasy.

“It is going to be so important for voters to not just come out to vote but to also volunteer. The key to a successful race is the support of the people behind the candidates.”

Republicans have a more spirited primary, with incumbent Joe Howarth (R-Evesham) running off the line for re-election after being dumped by county GOP organizations in Burlington, Camden and Atlantic counties.

Howarth’s former running mate, Assemblyman Ryan Peters (R-Hainesport), is running with former Burlington County Sheriff Jean Stanfield.

Jason Huf is also seeking the Republican nomination for Assembly.

Read the full article.